I'd like to use the Token Editor in Workflow to remove HTML tags from a Rich Text field I'm bringing in from Forms.
Does anyone have a regex that will accomplish this? Google returns sample code for accomplishing this in JS, but we're working in the v11 Modern Designer, and the JS code won't work in the Token Editor in Workflow.
Use case:
Since the v11 Modern Designer won't allow us to use JS to make multi-line fields auto-grow, we've been using Rich Text fields (that auto-grow automatically) instead. We sometimes use CSS to hide the toolbar so it just looks like a multi-line. This has worked well, but when we try to pull the field values into a report, it carries in all of the HTML formatting tags. I was hoping to use Workflow to flatten the fields and strip these out. Regex seemed like the best bet, but if anyone has another solution, that would be great, too!