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Setting up LFDS Active Directory Identity Provider with Microsoft Azure AD (MS Entra)

asked on November 24, 2023

We have a Laserfiche Avante customer wanting to setup SSO using their Windows credentials to access the Repo and Forms. The challenge we face is that we host the the Laserfiche Server for them, so it is not joined to their domain. From a AD perspective they use Microsoft Entra Id (Azure AD) for for their Windows accounts. 

How would we setup the LFDS Active Directory Identity Provider to communicate with their Azure AD and is this possible? All posts on similar topics refer to using SAML2.0, but as this customer has a Avante Instance of Laserfiche, this is not a option. 

Has this been done before?

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replied on November 24, 2023

I don't believe connecting to their AD is an option unless you open a VPN between your servers and theirs and have a trust between the two domains or put the server you're hosting on their domain, which is highly unlikely. The other option is what you mentioned. Upgrade their licensing to Rio or Subscription Business so they can use SAML authentication and set it up that way.

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replied on November 28, 2023

Thank you for your feedback Brian. 

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