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This site can’t be reached: Google Chrome Issue

asked on November 22, 2023

Hi Everyone,

Has anyone encountered the issue with Google Chrome?

Stating "This site can’t be reached The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.


Thank you

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replied on November 22, 2023


Raised a case at the start of the week for a client.  same issue.   As per support, it relates to the latest chrome requiring x.509 ssl certificate.


"Require X.509 key usage extension for RSA certificates chaining to local roots".

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replied on November 22, 2023 Show version history

What will be the permanent solution to this?

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replied on November 22, 2023

i havent tried it yet @ my client, but it depends whether you are using a self-signed or a proper certificate.


for self sign, when exporting the certificate from "MMC\Certificates", you select "No, do not export the private key", then you have options for x.509 on the next screen.  Once done, this will be the certificate to be installed on client PCs.


I am not an expert on that side though, may be someone else can assist.

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replied on November 22, 2023

Thanks Dilshaad. I will try this.

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replied on November 23, 2023

OK, keep us informed if it worked as I guess many others will go through this.

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replied on November 23, 2023

Hi Dilshaad,


Your suggestion did not work. The same problem occurred.



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replied on December 5, 2023

After some trial and error I did manage to get this resolved by generating a certificate using Powershell as per the Chrome support thread mentioned. I did get an error converting the password to a secure string but it still generated the cert which I could then export and bind in IIS. It seems that it needs the "Digital Signature" option value under the "Key Usage" field.

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replied on December 11, 2023

Does Laserfiche have a documented solution of this issue? or are their engineers still working on the issue?


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replied on December 11, 2023

This is not a Laserfiche issue.  It is a change in Chrome.  The only solution is to get a new cert with the added "Digital Signature" option value under the "Key Usage" field.

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replied on November 22, 2023

i have the same problem. ¿Any idea?

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replied on November 22, 2023

Using Chrome with https it does not works :( 

Using Edge with https, works!

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replied on November 22, 2023

I have no idea also how to resolved this issue.

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