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How to insert image into a form for NEW forms designer

asked on November 21, 2023

In the old forms designer, I was able to upload an image using the custom HTML field.

But I can't seem to do the same in the new forms designer.

How can I display my own custom image into the form?

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replied on November 21, 2023

Okay - so you are on Forms 11 Update 2, which was from March 2022.

You are behind on Update 3 from December 2022, Update 4 from July 2023, and Update 5 will soon be released (planned in December 2023).

The two versions I listed were Update 3 and Update 4 - so if there was a bug causing that function to be missing in Update 2, it does appear to be working in Update 3 and later.

Unfortunately, I cannot confirm whether or not that was a bug in Update 2 - it isn't listed in the "Known Issues" section of the Release Notes for Laserfiche Forms 11 Update 2...

So I don't know for sure if that is your problem or not - but I would definitely recommend upgrading if you can...  Update 3 added a ton of functionality to the Modern Designer including Javascript functionality (note that it is very different from the Javascript functionality in the Classic Designer) and a lot of really powerful options in the Field Rules on the Modern Designer.  And Update 4 expanded further on the changes that were introduced in Update 3.

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replied on November 21, 2023

You should see a picture icon in the Custom HTML editor.

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replied on November 21, 2023

Hi Rob, thanks for your response!

This does not appear in my Custom HTML editor! Was it a recent update and I have to upgrade to the newest version of Forms 11?

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replied on November 21, 2023

What version of Forms are you on?

Because I couldn't find anything in the release info about the function being missing and then added, and I can see it in both Version 11.0.2212.30987 and Version 11.0.2307.40547.

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replied on November 21, 2023

Hi Matthew, we're on:

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replied on November 21, 2023

Okay - so you are on Forms 11 Update 2, which was from March 2022.

You are behind on Update 3 from December 2022, Update 4 from July 2023, and Update 5 will soon be released (planned in December 2023).

The two versions I listed were Update 3 and Update 4 - so if there was a bug causing that function to be missing in Update 2, it does appear to be working in Update 3 and later.

Unfortunately, I cannot confirm whether or not that was a bug in Update 2 - it isn't listed in the "Known Issues" section of the Release Notes for Laserfiche Forms 11 Update 2...

So I don't know for sure if that is your problem or not - but I would definitely recommend upgrading if you can...  Update 3 added a ton of functionality to the Modern Designer including Javascript functionality (note that it is very different from the Javascript functionality in the Classic Designer) and a lot of really powerful options in the Field Rules on the Modern Designer.  And Update 4 expanded further on the changes that were introduced in Update 3.

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replied on November 21, 2023

Very cool. I certainly plan on upgrading soon. Thanks much!

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