I'm using Postman to help test and put together API calls.
- I used url "https://signin.laserfiche.com/oauth/swagger/v1/swagger.json" to import the collection
- When I send my query I get the below html in response instead of it actually authorizing my request
- These are the parameters I'm using
- Note: I set the Client ID to a variable so that I didn't share that publically for security reasons.
- Note: I set the Client ID to a variable so that I didn't share that publically for security reasons.
- This is the GET url
- https://signin.laserfiche.com/oauth/Authorize?client_id={{LFv2ClientID}}&redirect_uri=https://api.laserfiche.com/repository/swagger/oauth2-redirect.html&response_type=code&scope=repository.Read repository.Write