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DCC error writing to the pipe: The pipe is being closed

asked on October 9, 2023 Show version history

I have a workflow that is using the DCC to generate pages from an PDF. When I tested with the client the DCC job failed. Message "There was an error writing to the pipe: The pipe is being closed.(232, 0xe8)


Has anyone seen this before, and know how to resolve it?


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replied on October 9, 2023

Hi Keisha,

Is this error occurring for all documents or only a specific subset?

Was this DCC configuration working successfully at any point in the past?

This information is helpful in determining if the issue is a fundamental problem with the DCC service configuration or a situational error triggered by something like a specific file being too large.

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replied on October 9, 2023

There are several errors at 11:33. If they are different with The pipe is being closed error, can you upload those errors too?

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replied on October 10, 2023

The error doesn't happen with all documents.

The configuration has been working, we are currently testing before we go live with the process. 


Here are the other errors from around that time. 

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replied on October 10, 2023

The error says Entry 397765 is not a pdf. Can you check that your entry is correct?

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replied on October 12, 2023

I think another user reran this entry and it worked when it was reprocessed. Now I can see the scanned images and I can see the extension is a PDF. 

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replied on October 13, 2023

I think the issue is solved since the pdf was processed. However, it's odd that this pdf file was not recognized as pdf file. Keep us posted if similar issue occurs. 

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