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Recent Documents - Modified Documents Only

asked on September 27, 2023

Hi All,


Recent documents within the web client currently only shows a list of document modified, but doesn't include documents created. I can't see an option anywhere to change or manipulate this behaviour.


Can I check if there is a setting to include documents created as well as modified in recent documents, and if not please can I raise this as a feature request?



Chris Douglas

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replied on September 27, 2023

Our recent documents list is documents that you have opened recently. So it includes documents that you opened but didn't modify, and excludes documents that you modified from the browse page's details pane. I see that it could be useful to have easy access to documents that you created, I'll bring the idea to the team. In the meantime, if a user opens a document after creating it, that will put it on the list.

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replied on September 27, 2023

Thanks Brian

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