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Forms signature field still loses the data, even when disabling on the next task

asked on September 19, 2023 Show version history

I am working in the new designer and tried to use a signature field on a public form again, this time disabling once the step is no longer the initial submission. However even as a disabled signature field, the signature still disappears at the next task.

Am I doing something wrong? I don't want to erase the signature after they sign the form and I want those working with the form to be able to see the original signature without opening the tiny little window from the action pane.

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replied on September 19, 2023

Chad, I am using Forms 11.0.2307.40556 and I am seeing the same behavior when using Field Rules to disable the Signature field based on the Process Step. It appears to be a bug.

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replied on September 19, 2023

Ok, just going to go back to a Type Your Name field since that is all the pop up does when they click Sign anyways. Thanks for the confirmation.

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replied on June 25, 2024 Show version history

11.0.2311.50553 and still an issue

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replied on January 26, 2024

By default, Laserfiche does not preserve signatures as the form progresses through subsequent user tasks. This means that if a signature is mandatory, the reviewer will be required to sign the document, but the final saved form will not bear the original signature. This becomes problematic when the form is routed through multiple review phases, as each user must sign and the final saved version will only bear the signature of the final person.

To address this issue and ensure that the original signature is preserved, you can follow these steps:

1. Only display the signature panel on the first submission.
2. Set up a custom HTML element to display the signature image on subsequent user task stages.
3. Display the signature image on the subsequent stages.

To achieve this, you can set a rule on the original submission to only show the signature field if the Process Step is not a Message Start Event. This will hide the signature box after the first sign off.

To display the signature image, you will need to create a custom HTML element and paste the provided code into the code area. This code retrieves the signature image from the previous user task and displays it using an `img` tag in the custom HTML element.

By implementing these steps, you can ensure that the original signature is preserved and displayed throughout the different user task stages. Please note that you may need to modify the code based on your specific implementation and environment.

<meta charset="UTF-8">

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

<title>Display Image</title>

<!-- gets the original signature  {/dataset/Signature} -->

<!-- Replace 'data:image/png;base64,...' with the actual image data from the variable -->

<img src="{/dataset/Signature}" alt="Signature is displayed on save">

Then add a rule on the custom HTML element to show when Process Step is not Message Start Event



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replied on January 28, 2024

Oh, someone else just shared a gem with me. If the signature field is wrapped in a table element, then a new option exists 'Previous data or new lookup data will be read-only, but user-added sets will be editable' and that preserves the signatures as the form is routed for approval. 

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replied on September 9, 2024

This is a good solution and if you configure the advanced table properties like this it will automatically append new signature blocks for additional signers.

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replied on November 15, 2024

This doesn't seem to be a viable solution anymore. Using Update 5, the previous rows are still editable unless I set the field to be "previous data will be read only". And of course, that doesn't work to keep the signature.

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replied on November 15, 2024

Just putting this out there for general information, but Laserfiche 12 now has an option to keep the value in the signature after initially signed.

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replied on September 20, 2023

Are you assigning the task to another user and does that user need to enter information? If so, the way we have worked around this is to have 2 forms. One that collects the signature and then another where that signature variable is read-only. This keeps the signature on the form and allows for next user to fill out their fields.

So a setup in the style of your process would have "01 - Intake Form" and "02 - Clerk Form". On the "02- Clerk Form" we would have that signature box read-only. This should display the signature from the "01- Intake Form"

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replied on September 20, 2023

Alex, the reason for using the new field rule options in the new designer is to avoid having two forms.

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replied on September 20, 2023

Ah, I totally missed the new designer part. smiley

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replied on September 20, 2023

Yes, duplicating an entire form just to add an "internal section" is considered bad practice in our training and development. This is because if someone updates the form and forgets about the duplicated form(s) you could lose submission data in the archive.

In addition even if someone remembers the duplicated form(s) they might make a mistake on one of the changes as they must do the work twice manually, there are not prefabs available to apply one change across all uses of the objects guaranteeing they are in sync.


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replied on September 21, 2023

@████████, another example of the signature issue we discussed. We are all awaiting LF to address this :)

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replied on December 7, 2023

Same. I can't believe this is still an issue.

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replied on December 8, 2023

Forms 11 Update 5 is due out next week, so we can hope it's fixed with that update.

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replied on December 27, 2023

Looks like this is still a problem. Drat.

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replied on June 25, 2024

Using Laserfiche Forms 11.0.2311.50553 and still and issue (Form Designer)

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replied on February 1, 2024

I'm struggling with trying to get previous signatures to display on the form so that the next approvers can see it.  I attempted the solution from Sean O'donald but cannot get either to work.  Is my only option to just use a type to sign field?


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replied on February 1, 2024 Show version history

Ultimately we found that the Signature field is no different than a Single Line field, since when you click sign, you are presented with a single line field asking to type your name. There is an option to draw but you can not enforce it and it is not the default option which means most users will just type their name.

The solution was to use a Single Line field. These fields as well as most other fields do preserve their data and can be set to read only on another form or by a field rule.

If your approvers are task users approving internal forms, you do not need to ask them to type their name because there is a system variable you can use if you want their first and last name. However for identification purposes, the action pane is much more powerful than a type your name signature. This captures the current login of the user taking the action and the exact time they selected the action.

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replied on February 1, 2024

Thanks Chad - that's the route I'll go.

I wish the signature field would be be 'read only' if set to disabled using the Forms Designer.  

Forms Designer is great in that I don't need to have multiple forms for each approval step, but this lack of functionality is hampering my processes.


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replied on February 14, 2024

A couple of years back we had to use the classic designer and javascript but in the modern designer it shows these options:

Signature Input Method
1 Allow the user to select signature input method
2 Allow only typed signature
3 Allow only drawn signature


For the message start event, the first sig. in a table is saved through user tasks, this option needs to be checked: Previous data or new lookup data will be read-only, but user-added sets will be editable.


I have noted if a signature is input subsequent steps then it's not being preserved so i think the custom html option might be necessary. 

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replied on June 25, 2024

Hi Chad,

We are already working on supporting this, the feature id is 522334, please keep up with Forms future release notes on this feature.

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