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date field default value to be tomorrow date

asked on September 18, 2023

How to assign the date field default value to be the date after current date?

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replied on September 18, 2023

Classic or v11?  Classic, you can set the value property using moment tool in Javascript.

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replied on September 18, 2023 Show version history

For Classic:

$(document).ready(function() {
  const holdTomorrow = moment().add(1, "days").format("L");
  $("#q44 input").prop('value', holdTomorrow);

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replied on September 18, 2023

It is the classic designer

I have put the default value as current date as shown below and it is in a table. So how will I make the default value date which is in a table to be tomorrow date? Thank you.

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replied on September 19, 2023 Show version history

Given a table definition like this...

Which looks like this...

This JavaScript will initialize the date fields to tomorrow in the dd/mm/yyyy format.

$(document).ready(function() {
// Moment.js Javascript date utilities
// See "Included CSS and JavaScript Libraries" under Forms in Admin Guide
  const holdTomorrow = moment().add(1, 'days').format('D/M/YYYY');
// Change value of all initial Child DOB fields
  $("#q44 input").prop('value', holdTomorrow);

// Change value for newly added children
  $("#q40>a").click( function() {
    $("#q44 input").last().prop('value', holdTomorrow);

like this...


Check out these links

Have fun, Jim.

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