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Web Workflow URL Not Showing in Workflow Web Configuration Manager

asked on September 7, 2023 Show version history

I have checked this in both Workflow 11.0.2209.835 and 11.0.2306.898 as well as on multiple servers running those same versions. I noticed that when I received a termination email that the links on them did not work. After checking a few things, I ended up checking the Workflow Web Services from the Workflow Web Configuration Manager. When I open it, I only see the configuration option for the Web application directory and do not see the Web Workflow URL option on any of our Workflow servers. Has it been removed? Is anyone else seeing the same thing on version 11?

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replied on September 12, 2023

The web designer has been retired with update 1. That is the only feature that has been removed. The broken links left in termination email have been cleaned up in a subsequent update.

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