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Posting to Google Calendar using workflow

asked on September 6, 2023

Is there anyone who has successfully integrated Google Calendar with Laserfiche forms? I am trying to create an event on Google Calendar that posts the uploaded agenda from the Laserfiche form. So far I only see older examples of using iCalendar which no longer is supported in Forms Designer. I am aware that there are third party partners (Velosimo, Boomi) who could assist in this integration but I would prefer to resolve this issue internally if possible. Any feedback would be awesome!

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replied on October 31

Hi, I see that no one answered your question, I'm trying to do something similar, were you able to find a way to solve it?

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replied on November 7

You may be able to get a better answer from Google forums. There seem to be a do that you could use with a Laserfiche web request rule.

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