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Posted to Laserfiche Cloud


Edit Filing Date of Records

asked on September 6, 2023 Show version history


We're just moving our data to LF Cloud, and running into a slight hiccup with the filing date.

It seems that I can't edit any of the filing date for records/documents stored within a folder that has any cutoff or retention schedules set.

If I put the same records/documents into a simple folder under the top of the repository I'm able to edit/modify the Filing Date property... manually or with my workflow.


Is there a way I'm overlooking to modify the filing date for all these documents we're still importing?
Would like to utilize the cutoff/retentions based off the file(filing) date, not when I create a folder and copy/import the document.


"The filing date cannot be changed on a inherited record. [9566]"
This is the error even when there's no inherit cutoff/retention information specifically set on the parent folder.  If I 'Edit properties' under the records tab of a document, the Cutoff/retention instruction is set to (inherit).

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replied on September 8, 2023

Hi Stephen, 

In general, records that are within record folders (any folder that have their own retention instructions) will inherit the retention instructions and states from that folder. You can override the record instructions/state, but you need to specifically do that. You note the instructions say inherited, which means it's following the state of the folder - and therefore setting the filing date on these inherited records wouldn't do anything. If you want to update the filing date specifically on the records, you can explicitly set the cutoff instructions instead of inheriting (even if it's the same instructions) and then you can set the filing date on the individual record. That's also why you can set the filing date it on records directly under a non-record folder, because there's no inheritance involved in that case. 

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replied on January 17


How do I set the filing date using the cutoff instructions. What is the correct procedure/workflow sequence steps to do this.  

I am trying to use the "In creation date" field that was the original creation date from another system to become the filing date in laserfiche so that i can use the filing date in a records series of document types.  


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