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spacing between tables

asked on August 28, 2023

So I'm trying to get some tables to stack nicely in order to look kind of like a calendar. I tried a few css things to get rid of borders and padding as well as a few others and still can't get them to stack right, any thoughts?


In the screenshot I am trying to get rid of the areas marked in red, also the header still has a small white box, not full sized but would be nice to have it gone. 

FYI it seems some of these are specific to using the new designer vs  classic, we have been trying to use the new one more. 

tables2.PNG (23.29 KB)
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replied on August 29, 2023

If you are using the new layout designer, you can use the following CSS. Add the class "hide-header" to both tables and the class "top-table" to the top table and "bottom-table" to the bottom table.


/** Hides all table columns **/
.hide-header thead {
  display: none;
/** Removes gap between table elements **/
.hide-header table {
  margin-top: 0px;
  margin-bottom: 0px;
/** Removes minor spacing between table form fields **/ {
    margin: 0px;
    margin-top: -3px;
/** Hides table form field name area **/
.hide-header .section-title {
  display: none;
/** Removes top table's bottom padding **/
.top-table {
  padding-bottom: 0px;
/** Removes bottom table's top padding **/
.bottom-table {
  padding-top: 0px;


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replied on August 29, 2023

Just tested this and it worked perfectly. Thanks a ton for the help, much appreciated!

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replied on August 29, 2023

Great! No problem

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