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Forms submit button grays out when clicked

asked on July 28, 2023

Hi all,

We're on Forms 11 version 3 and we're running into the issue where some forms will submit without an issue and then some forms get stuck with a grayed out submit button. The solution we currently have is to close out the window and then retry multiple times until it takes the submission. 

Does version 4 fix this by chance? I see version 4's release notes say:
The browser may become unresponsive when using lookup values to create large numbers of new sets in a collection. (246690)


We don't pull more than 30 rows when using lookup values.

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replied on July 28, 2023

I would try the fix first. Usually that happens when a lookup is having to pull in alot of data.

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replied on July 31, 2023

Thanks, I will try to update it then.

Do you know if this also happens in the Cloud version?

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replied on July 31, 2023

Probably. The form appears to be in a "loading" state until lookups are completed.  Wondering if you can have workflow invoke the form with the forms data pre-populated so you don't have to use lookups since you are passing through a lookup?

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replied on July 31, 2023

Hi Jasciel, we also find that using a stored procedure for the lookup is quicker within Forms than just defining the lookup in Forms. It may still at times ask the form to wait if there was a large data lookup, but in general find them faster.

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replied on July 31, 2023

When stored procedures, are you referring to hard coded and/or dropdowns?

I see. What about this:

Our daily form is a month long form so the max rows we're pulling could be 30 something if a retry entry was submitted.

I have a scheduled Workflow that is scheduled to run every day at 12:01am ( 12:00am wouldn't work. It wouldn't start with no errors indicated or log errors). It starts the forms' processes with assigned IDs. So we aren't defining values as the form is filled out. Our staff just have to type text indicating they checked equipment for the day, passed/failed and reviewed it on today's row.

So should I improve this method so we don't run into frozen submissions?


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replied on August 1, 2023

A stored Procedure is a SQL query that can be used to populate Drop-Downs,Tables or Collections in Forms the same as a lookup can do in forms.

A stored procedure allows allows a SQL Query to be executed with a single call. This minimizes the use of slow networks, reduces network traffic, and can improve round-trip response times. 

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replied on August 1, 2023

Steve, I would love to see an example of how you are leveraging the procedure to fulfill a drop down field. Thanks!


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replied on August 1, 2023

Here is an example of a stored procedure filling in a drop down field 

Lookup Rule

SQL Stored Procedure

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replied on August 1, 2023

Steve that is great, I need to investigate this as I am doing wholesale lookups from views to cull down what I expect to promote.

If I am understanding this the fact that it is calling a procedure allows the system to do a multi variable query at a single transaction?

The result from the procedure query then is populating the field that they need to answer from without the matched locations.

Pretty slick, I do need to check this out.

Thank you!


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