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How to create a multipage form in Business Processes

asked on June 27, 2023

I am creating a multipage form - After the first form verifying the user's personal information is filled out, I want it to load a new form with Payment information. This is NOT a shopping cart checkout - just saving pdfs of each person's preferences for how they would like to receive their refund payment. I just want the user to smoothly go from the first page to the next, rather than displaying a "Thank You" page, or being redirected to another static URL.

I've attached the basic process diagram.

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replied on June 28, 2023

Hi, Steve!

In the Classic Designer and in earlier versions of Forms, you just need to pull the "Page Break" field type onto the form design canvas. That will create a subsequent page on your form. You can then use the pagination settings to control how those pages appear (as tabs on the form, or as a progress bar, for example). Those settings can be found by editing the page header. 

In the new Forms Designer, you can enable pagination in the Form settings (see screenshot).

I hope that helps!

pagination.png (30.11 KB)
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replied on June 27, 2023

You could do this within a single form using pagination. 

If you definitely want to have separate tasks for each part, then you'll need to have the User Tasks (your screenshot is showing Save to Repository Service Tasks, not User Tasks) assigned to the same user (probably via the /_initiator user):

And you'll want to check the box on your Message Start Event and on each User Task that will have another User Task following it to "Automatically load the next task if the same person is assigned to it":

If this is a public form, then you will not be able to do it with the multiple User Tasks, and will need to do it via pagination on a single form.

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replied on June 28, 2023 Show version history

If I make it a User task - assigned to a User, won't every single recipient have to have their own login to use the form? We are expecting to have to use this form for hundreds of recipients per mailing, yet each person's data that will be on their is unique and must not be accessed by anyone else.

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replied on June 28, 2023

How do I turn on pagination? 

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replied on June 28, 2023

Hi, Steve!

In the Classic Designer and in earlier versions of Forms, you just need to pull the "Page Break" field type onto the form design canvas. That will create a subsequent page on your form. You can then use the pagination settings to control how those pages appear (as tabs on the form, or as a progress bar, for example). Those settings can be found by editing the page header. 

In the new Forms Designer, you can enable pagination in the Form settings (see screenshot).

I hope that helps!

pagination.png (30.11 KB)
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replied on June 28, 2023

Beat me by 2 minutes @████████wink

Because this needs to be publicly available form @████████ you won't be able to do it as separate forms and User Tasks.  Your only real option then is to following Jennifer's instructions to enable pagination on your form.

Please let us know if there is anything else we can assist you with.

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replied on July 17, 2023

Thank You! Pagination worked beautifully, once I knew where it was!

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replied on June 28, 2023

Can you direct me to somewhere that describes how to work with Pagination? I don't recall that being mentioned in any of the courses I took.

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