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Updating a Template for "Fill Out PDF Form" in Workflow Clears Field Assignments

asked on June 26, 2023

Hello LF gurus,

When I replace the content of a fillable PDF in Workflow it clears all of the values from my field assignments.  Is there any way to update the underlying PDF template without clearing the fields?

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replied on June 26, 2023

I've noticed this recently, too. It didn't do this with previous versions of Workflow - if the field name remained the same when you updated the PDF template, it didn't erase the data you were assigning to that field. Based on the timing of when I started noticing this, I'd guess that this changed with Workflow 11, but that is entirely a guess on my part.

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replied on June 26, 2023

Yeah, as soon as you click on a field to update it or if you click Refresh Fields, it completely clears all values.  So, if you need to make the smallest change to your PDF template, you have to repopulate every single field in your PDF one by one, not good.  I believe it was already broken like this in version 10.x.  

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replied on January 11, 2024

This is still an issue in version 11.x as well.  I opened a support case for one of our customers but was told that this was a known issue but there was no time for a resolution.  Can someone from the Laserfiche product team respond to this post with an update.  This is a very time consuming issue for customers that have PDF forms that frequently need updating since you have to completely remap the fields.  It also opens the process to errors since mistakes can be made during the mapping setup especially if their is a lot of fields

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replied on March 7, 2024

Glad I saw this,  I'm needing to update our pdf form as well and saw it was prompting me to refresh after making a small update to the pdf - we had a persons name in there that is leaving so I had to remove it.   the form fields are all identical. 

I'm planning to take screenshots of everything for the field assignment to make it easier -  it sounds like I'm remapping everything like was said in this thread.   I have about 12 fields so its abit of a pain althought I'll try to capture them all to make it easier.  

Any tips or tricks let me know

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