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Forms process for approvals

asked on June 1, 2023

I have been racking my brain on how to accomplish a tiered process for a document/invoice/quote forms approval process. Here's what I'm trying to do:

We have a tiered approval structure: <$500 persons A need to approve from the team who submitted the document. $500 to $1,000 persons A & B from the specific team approve. $1,000 to $5,000 persons A, B, and C approve. $5,000 to $50,000 persons A, B, C, and CFO approval required. $50k above, persons A, B, C, CFO, and Exec Dir approve.

Each team (IT, Sales, Marketing, Finance) have different persons included in the approval process. If sales, then the approval process follows their route. If IT, it goes a different set of people for approvals. The only constant between them is any above $5k the CFO and Exec Director stay static.

I've attempted to use the gateways to first split to the team based on a form field drop down, then split it to each tier of what the amount was on the form. But it's a massive process and I just can't seem to work out the best way to do it.


Any help, tips, or recommendations are very much appreciated!!

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replied on June 1, 2023 Show version history

We have a two tiered approval process, but you could easily build it up from there.  Ours is for approving payment of invoices, but it could just as easily be used for approving quotes.  The controls for where it goes next are radio buttons.  Your radio button choices could direct it to different starting points that could be which department and then which dollar value choice they select.

Payment Approval Process Main Process.jpeg
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replied on June 5, 2023 Show version history

Off the top of my head I might set it up using three approval teams per organizational team, so you'd have 12 LF teams. Each LF team would be named accordingly (IT A, Sales B, etc.). Each stage of approval would be assigned by variable and letter ({/dataset/Department} A, {/dataset/Department} B. etc.), with conditionals after each approval to determine if it needs another level of approval or not.

There's a lot of overhead because each LF team might only have one person in it. To avoid that you might be able to setup a SQL table with each department/team and columns for each level of approval and who is assigned that task. Add A, B, C fields to the form with lookups to SQL according to what team the initiator is in or the team selected. The back end process would directly assign each approval step to the name listed in the A/B/C fields.

Your final stages for approval of course would be hard coded in the process to go to your CFO and Exec. Director.

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