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Forms Upload of pdf says "undefined"

asked on May 25, 2023

I have a form that a user is running into trouble with.  I have changed the upload buttons to specifically allow pdf's of up to 1000 MB and ensured that what she is bringing in is actually within those parameters, but she keeps getting this "undefined" message.  

I have tried using the same form and adding my own uploads, as well as one of the ones she is trying.  I get the same results.  Some pdf's are coming in fine, others are undefined and if we hit Submit we get the "Laserfiche Forms encountered a Problem" message.

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replied on May 25, 2023

How are you changing the upload limit?

I'd recommend checking the Windows event logs for the server to see if it catches any errors when you try to upload those files. Also, keep track of the ones that fail because my first guess is that maybe you're running into a size limit on the server side, either default or configured.

This sort of limit is common and necessary to protect a server since client-side limits can be easily removed, but whether that's actually the problem, and whether or not it can be easily changed I can't say.

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replied on May 25, 2023

Hi Connie, 

As Jason mentioned, there is a upload file size limit on the server side, which is 250 MB by default. I think you might run into that size limit, please double check if you changed the server limit as well.


You can change the server  limit  with following steps (supported since Forms11 update 2):

  • Go to Forms configuration site
  • Choose Forms Server tab
  • Change Maximum file size (at the bottom of the page.)

Note that the maximum number you can set is 2047 MB (2GB).


However, there should be an error says that the file is exceeding the limit, something like this:

Could you provide more details about how you configure on forms configuration site to help troubleshoot this? Thanks in advance :)





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replied on May 26, 2023

Thanks for your responses, but I don't think it's the upload limit.  She was loading items with KB sizes and the setting was, like you said 250 MB.  I did change the settings to 1000MB just to see if it made a difference... of course, it didn't as I expected.  I didn't know the server side could control that on me even though it appeared like I had that control.

Other details, one thing I know I should have told you was this form was built on the new designer.  Most of my forms are built on the classic designer and I've never had a problem like this with uploads.  So, I'm leaning towards that being an issue?

Yesterday afternoon, I found some posts about a Version 11 bug that has to do with uploads so I checked my version.  It appears that I have the update for the fix, but... I have Laserfiche Forms Professional Version 11.0.2212.30987 running right now.

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replied on September 20, 2023

Hi Connie,

What did you find out about this? I have someone on the same version of Forms as you experiencing the same thing. It's a "2 Forms servers, 1 SQL database" environment and only the DMZ instance is having the problem. Anything uploaded to a file upload field returns that "undefined" message.

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replied on September 20, 2023

Hi Jacob, even though we put in a support ticket through our own IT and also through Laserfiche support, we (and they) could not find a reason for these uploads to not work properly.  It also turns out that it was an intermittent issue.  The form is still being used by the person I set it up for and she hasn't run into the issue the last few times she has used it, although I noticed she's using it minimally.  We are currently moving into the cloud and having our Forms all redone by professionals, so I'm very curious to see if they find anything wrong on the form or if just being Cloud based clears up the problem.

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replied on September 20, 2023

Weird. We actually got it figured out. The web.config file at C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\Laserfiche Forms\Forms\ has a line that says <add key="EnableAttachmentTransfer" value="false" />   ; changing that to 'true' solved our issue. We made this change only in the config file on the DMZ machine.

Shoutout @████████ for figuring this out

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replied on September 20, 2023

Thanks, Jacob!  I have passed that tip over to our Laserfiche support.

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replied on September 20, 2023

Good tip @████████.  Thanks for raising / sharing the issue @████████


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replied on May 28, 2023

Hi Connie,


Thank you for the information, if that's the case I think we might need your process diagram and investigate further. Could you open up a support case with your process so that we can help to investigate it? Thanks in advance.

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replied on June 1, 2023

Hello, probably a stretch here, but are those PDFs different or have security set on them?

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replied on June 1, 2023

Thanks for the tip.  Unfortunately, there is nothing different about them.  They are regular pdf's from regular processes created in our office.  I have opened a support ticket.  Hoping they can find out what is causing it.

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