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Insert data captured through Quickfields in an Excel file

asked on May 24, 2023

Good morning All,

I would like to know if it is possible to insert the data captured through Quickfields to an Excel document please? It has to be an Excel document because the data would be imported automatically to SAP after that.

My original data is on a Google spreadsheet, there will be several different spreadsheets and i will run Quickfields once a day to capture data from those Sheets, then i need to save the whole data into an Excel. Would that be possible ?


Thank you in advance for you help, have a nice day



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replied on May 25, 2023

You could use Quick Fields to store the metadata on the documents, then invoke a workflow to process through the documents. Workflow has the ability to add data to a database (Excel setup as an ODBC connection).

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replied on May 25, 2023

Thank you for answer, i will give it a try!

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replied on May 25, 2023

I'm not sure we're getting the whole picture here. Google spreadsheets support exporting to Excel. Why is Quick Fields needed?

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replied on May 25, 2023

Hi Miruna,

I need to extract informations from the sheet with Quickfields. Based on those values (metadata), i will transfer the data on an Excel file.

Example: Google Sheet1, field1= pa40/the data will go to Excelfile1

                Google Sheet2, field1= pa30 /the data will go to Excelfile2


Then, i will run a script that will import the data from Excel files to SAP system. All those steps are done manually right now and i am looking for a way to automate all this steps.


Thank you for your time,  

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