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Feature Request: Include Name of Workflow in Monitor

asked on May 19, 2023

When you view an instance in Forms Monitor and click on a Workflow task, it shows variable values sent back from Workflow as well as Completed by and Date completed. It would be very helpful if it could also show the name of the workflow in the header.

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replied on May 19, 2023

Yes Please!

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replied on May 24, 2023

This would be really useful to know which workflow started the Forms instance.

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replied on May 29, 2023

Hi Blake, Thank you for sharing this use case! I will let the team know this use case and considering adding it in the future :)

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replied on September 1, 2023

Yes please, this would be very beneficial. We can get to see every piece of information about what happened to a file on audit trail but not the workflow name.

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replied on May 29

Thanks for the request! I added this to our feature request list for future consideration.

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