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Forms - Modern Designer - Confirmation dialog on task action button

asked on May 16, 2023


I've seen this question asked previously, but wanted to see if this kind of thing is included out-of-the-box in the latest Forms release. I have a customer who wants users to be able to cancel a Forms task - easy enough by adding a Cancel button to the user task, but they'd like a confirmation box to pop up to make sure the user does what they're truly intending to do. Is there a super easy way to do this in the latest edition of Forms?


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replied on May 16, 2023

This isn't built into the form, but you could have your process move to another user task that just includes an "are you sure?" HTML box (you should check the box for "Automatically load the next task if the same person is assigned to it" so the task will open automatically when they click the Cancel button). Then, if they are sure, you can cancel the process, but if they're not, you can circle back to the first user task.

I'm planning to add this into several of our existing processes, so I've spent some time thinking about it.

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replied on May 16, 2023

Hi Jennifer,

So the logic in the process diagram here would be an extra user task with a form that just asks for confirmation, and if they choose "no" at that point to indicate they mistakenly hit the cancel button, it would just send them back to the original user task. Is that correct?

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replied on May 16, 2023

Yep, exactly. I mocked it up real quick for you. I've also included a screenshot showing the box you'll want to check on the confirmation user task. Again, the form attached to that task can just include an HTML box with the "Are you sure?" message and buttons for yes or no.

process.png (12.12 KB)
checkbox.png (4.96 KB)
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replied on May 16, 2023

Instead of a "Cancel"  and "Submit" button, you could create a button for "rejecting" (cancelling) the task, and only a "Submit" button.

We have this logic on several forms now. It is defaulted to Approved (less button clicks for users), but if the user selects Rejected, they must add comments before submitting form. This way, there is only 1 button to select (users don't mistakenly hit Cancel).

The logic in the BP just sets a status field hidden in the configuration to Approved or Rejected, depending on the button selected.

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replied on May 16, 2023

Unfortunately, there is no way to do a confirmation pop-up with the modern designer. In the modern designer, the JavaScript runs in a sandbox so in its current state it cannot be used to do things like showing a confirmation modal.

The "best" solution for now would probably be to follow Bryan's suggestion. Things may change in the future as they have mentioned something about adding customizable elements to the form and there's a chance that could open the door for modals and such, but that's longer term.

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replied on May 16, 2023

Dang. I may try a combo of Brian's and Jennifer's suggestions. Radio button that defaults to 'approved,' but can be changed to 'canceled.' If changed to canceled, another user task loads to make sure that's what they intended.

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replied on May 16, 2023

My recommendation would be to set a radio with no default. Even if the "approved" action is used 99% of the time, making it blank by default forces the user to make an intentional choice which isn't not unlike a confirmation.

Users tend to fall into process fatigue so if you default to approved, they could easily click through out of habit and miss that opportunity.

Maybe instead of a separate task, add an additional checkbox, use field rules so it only appears when "cancel" is selected.

That way they have to choose approve/cancel, but if they choose cancel, they also have to check a "Yes I'm sure" box to proceed with that selection.

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