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I need to take a semicolon delimited list and make it a multivalue token

posted on May 11, 2023

I have a field that is in a table that is a semicolon delimited list and I need to parse that list out to have each value in either a multivalue token or in a separate token that I can then save into a new table and then repeat until each value of the list is put into a new table.

The token is currently like this:

First M Last; firstn mi lastn; firstname lastname

But there may be 100 names in that list and I need each one to be in it's own cell in a different table.  

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replied on May 11, 2023 Show version history

You can separate the values using the Split function (I'd also add trim as a second function to get rid of extra whitespace, but make sure it occurs after the split). With the Split function, you just tell it what character to use as the delimiter for the split, which in your case is the semicolon.

You can use the Split function in places where you utilize the token by right-clicking and opening the Token Editor (provided where you're using it can support multivalue).

In the first example below, I'm using it to split and store the values into a new multivalue token, but you could also use split with a For Each Value activity (last screenshot) if you need to iterate them.

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