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"Assign to Me" button when task already assigned

asked on April 25, 2023 Show version history

From what I've read/seen, the “Assign to Me” button shows up whenever a task is assigned to a team that includes more than 1 person.

My Forms process tasks are assigned to a team with more than 1 person, AND we have enabled assignment options (i.e. Round robin task distribution) and filters (i.e. assign to user 1 for vendors A-D, user 2 for vendors E-J, etc) to assign to individuals. 


My SMEs would like to see/use the "Assign to Me" button to reassign a task to themselves instead of using the person icon nor the Summary pane 'Reassign' link.  They use this button in other business processes that don't have filters/assignment options enabled and feel this button is easier to navigate with and provides a better user experience.


Is it possible to display the "Assign to Me" button when the task is already assigned to a user? 

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replied on April 25, 2023

Sorry, I don't believe it is possible.

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replied on April 25, 2023

Hi Matthew, from my research I had a feeling this is probably the case, but wanted to do my due diligence and double check this forum to make sure I wasn't missing options or a work around others may have found. 

Thanks for taking the time to review my question and provide input! 

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replied on April 26, 2023

This is good to know.

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