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Suppress Authorize.Net Card Entry or submit on Payment Form

asked on April 20, 2023

We use Forms with a connector to Authorize.Net for tax payments.  We use database lookups for authentication before customers can complete the form and make a payment.  The Amount to pay in the connector is the Amount the customer enters to pay on the form after authentication.  The issue we are having is that the card info section is available to the customer BEFORE they authenticate in.  The default payment amount is zero so if they do not properly authenticate, the amount will always be zero and ignored by Authorize.Net due to being zero, however, it shows up as a new instance, writes data to a table (as we have a workflow in place to store data upon submission), etc.   …. Is there a way to suppress the Authorize.Net card entry, or at least the submit button, until certain fields are completed?


Here's a glance of our form:




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replied on April 25, 2023

I found a way to achieve this.  This script hides Submit by default then displays Submit if the value is YES once a value is entered.  What I was using from the documentation would hide if the answer was not YES, but until the input was entered, it was not hidden.  I assigned hideSubmit in the CSS Class box to the variable with the necessary input.  

Here's my code:

  $('.hideSubmit input').change(function(){
        if($('.hideSubmit input[value="YES"]').length > 0){

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replied on April 21, 2023

I see that JavaScript can be used for this, but my script is not doing as expected.  Here's the need:


Hide Submit button by default

Until VariableName is not blank

Then show Submit button

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replied on April 24, 2023

Hi Vikki.

Is your form a classic form? Because new form support hiding Submit button through Fields Rules. If you are using a classic form and don't want to convert to new form, let me know so I can provide a sample script.

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replied on June 1, 2023


Can you expand on how it is done through the new forms?

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replied on June 2, 2023

For example, if you want to hide Submit if a Single line is empty. Add a field rule in the new form such as:

And the Submit button will be hidden if Single Line is blank.

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replied on June 2, 2023

Thank you. Hadn't seen that selection in the pull down.

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replied on April 24, 2023

Hi Zonghong,  We are using the classic form.

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