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Feature Request: Ability to Use Variable in Minimum and Maximum Date Settings

asked on April 12, 2023

In the modern designer, the advanced tab for the Date field type has two settings, Minimum Date and Maximum Date. It would be nice if they accepted variable values. This would allow us to calculate a date using another variable and use that to set either of those values.

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replied on April 12, 2023 Show version history

In the new modern designer rules you can set validation rules for date fields that act as you have described. I agree intuition would lead you to want to add a simple max/min date from that pane, but we allow for a range of complexity in your validation of date fields when using rules as opposed to the field's properties pane. I'll touch base with the team and see if they agree with this request. In the meantime, see that attached photo for an example:

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replied on April 12, 2023

That is good to know. Maybe a tooltip next to those two Advanced settings that mentions what you just said would suffice.

replied on April 12, 2023

Zach, thank you for that information. That is very good to know. Maybe adding a tooltip next to the two Advanced settings that point out what you just described would be enough.

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replied on April 12, 2023

100% agree.

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