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Calculations - What makes a variable invalid?

posted on April 10, 2023 Show version history

I am getting an error that says my variables are invalid. The name is not invalid as I am using the picker to select, the types seems good to me, they are either currency or numeric. What makes a variable invalid for use in the INDEX method?

As far as I know, any variable can be passed to an index method, since it just returns the value, the MULT method can not know what INDEX will return.

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replied on April 10, 2023

I tried to replicate the error, and the formula is working properly for me on both Classic Designer and New Designer Version 11.0.2212.30907.

The only thing your screenshot doesn't confirm is that Table is the valid variable for the Table - but assuming that is not the issue, then I'm kinda stumped.  Wondering if you are on a different version and there is a bug...

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replied on April 11, 2023

The token names are populated automatically when you select them. The Table variable looks right to me, that is the variable of the entire table.

I gave up and switched to jquery

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