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ODBC Data Source Not Found

asked on March 23, 2023 Show version history

Hello,  I am working with a client on quick fields 9.0.  They are using an external SQL table, and everything has been setup the same in ODBC for the system DSN as a working machine, they are both have 32 bit.  When testing the connection for the field it succeeds, however we are still getting this error after entering in a field which when changed is supposed to populate the rest of the fields from the DB.

ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified[Method=ExecuteFirstResult]


Troubleshooting steps: 

-Windows ODBC (
-Uninstall/reinstall QF

-Verified all settings for odbc were the same as other machines 

-Ensured same QF session was being used on both machines 

-Verified the document classification settings 


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replied on March 27, 2023

Hi Alexandro, 

The data source is configured for real-time processes, right? By 'testing the connection for the field', does it mean to test the lookup in 'input' step on the machine that doesn't work?

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replied on March 28, 2023

Yes, the data source is configured for real-time processes. When we test the lookup in the 'input' step, it returns a result successfully.

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replied on March 30, 2023

Unfortunately I couldn't recreate the issue in my test environment with Quick Fields to further investigate.

While I googled the specific error message and found something might worth trying:

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replied on March 28, 2023

Yes, the data source is configured for real-time processes. When we test the lookup in the 'input' step, it returns a result successfully.

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