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Creating a Fillable PDF Document to send as attachment in Email

asked on March 20, 2023

I am trying to figure out how to add the fillable pdf as an email in workflow. Attached is my current process. I also checked the create entry in the repository and the document contains no images. Any advise?

Workflow PDF Email.png
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replied on March 20, 2023

This works for me:

  1. "Create Entry" Activity.
  2. "Attach Electronic Document" Activity.  Attach the PDF that you are wanting to populate.  Make sure you attach it to the entry that you created in step 1.
  3. "Fill Out PDF Form" Activity.  Make sure you select the entry that you created in step 1 and the same PDF document that you attached in step 2.
  4. "Download Electronic Document" Activity.  Make sure you select the entry that you created in step 1.
  5. "Email" Activity.  For the Attachment, select "File" instead of "Entry", and for the file, select the "Result File" from the "Download Electronic Document" activity.


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replied on March 20, 2023

You will need to add an Attach Electronic Document activity after you fill out the PDF Form.

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