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Limit Web Client iFrame Buttons

asked on March 16, 2023


I am using Workflow to populate a Web Client Search into a iframe in Laserfiche Forms using the Electronic Upload # shared across my different search results.


For the benefit of the end users, I only want them to be able to open the search results to view the files in other tabs. Because of this, I also would like to hide the other interface buttons, such as  <Folders, so that the users do not get confused and navigate to the wrong location while inside the form.



The HTML Code I am using right now is as follows:

<iframe src="https://lfdemo/laserfiche/browse.aspx?repo=RepositoryName#?view=search&amp;search=(%7BLF:LOOKIN%3D%22%5CWorkflows%5CElectronic%20Submission%5C2.%20Attachments%22%7D)%20%26%20%7B%5B%5D:%5BDocument%20Group%5D%20%3D%20%22Attachment%22%7D%20%26%20%7B%5B%5D:%5BElectronic%20Upload%20%23%5D%20%3D%20%22{/dataset/Electronic_Entry_Num}%22%7D" width="700" height="750"></iframe>
<center><button class="fullscreen" type="button" onclick="myframe.requestFullscreen()" style="width:150px;height:30px;background-color:#0B6F3B;color:white;font-size:15px;border:none;">Fullscreen</button></center>


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replied on March 16, 2023

The "view modes" that are available are documented in There aren't really supported ways to do anything beyond what is laid out there.

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