We upgraded to Laserfiche 11 over the weekend. In one of our Forms processes we embed an iFrame of the Web Client. We are noticing in the Laserfiche Admin Console that the Web Client sessions are not closing out and as a result end users are getting the error:
"Sign in failed because the number of sessions has reached the licensed limit, or the user account has reached its session limit, or no named user license has been allocated to the user account. [9030]"
This issue was not happening in version 10 before the upgrade. We have opened a support ticket with our Solution Provider to investigate the issue further, but wanted to post it on here in case anyone has seen this problem before and if we come up with a solution I will post it here.
As an example of what we are seeing. the below screenshot shows a small sample of the connections we are seeing. Each colored block is for 1 user.