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Web Client 11 Sessions not closing in Admin Console/Creating Multiple Sessions

asked on March 7, 2023 Show version history

We upgraded to Laserfiche 11 over the weekend. In one of our Forms processes we embed an iFrame of the Web Client. We are noticing in the Laserfiche Admin Console that the Web Client sessions are not closing out and as a result end users are getting the error:

"Sign in failed because the number of sessions has reached the licensed limit, or the user account has reached its session limit, or no named user license has been allocated to the user account. [9030]"

This issue was not happening in version 10 before the upgrade. We have opened a support ticket with our Solution Provider to investigate the issue further, but wanted to post it on here in case anyone has seen this problem before and if we come up with a solution I will post it here.

As an example of what we are seeing. the below screenshot shows a small sample of the connections we are seeing. Each colored block is for 1 user.

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replied on March 7, 2023

Looking at this further, I don't believe that the issue is that the sessions are staying open, but rather why is the Web Client creating so many new sessions?

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replied on September 16, 2024

Hi Blake,


Just to chime in on this. We has a customer go live with the web client at the start of this year, and discovered quite a fundamental flaw with the web client, essentially every new window (not tab) that's opened via a web client URL creates a new web client session. Closing the window doesn't terminate the open session, so almost instantly all users were hitting the 5 connection limit per account. We had to re-architect the solution to open new tabs instead, which has made the problem better, but it hasn't resolved the underlying issue, whereby if you close the web client window entirely, it should terminate the LF connection (like it does in the desktop client). LF have said this isn't possible.


Aside from that issue I've recently discovered another issue in the last few weeks with LF11 and desktop client, whereby documents are being open/checked out with no point of reference in the admin console to show this is the case. I've seen this across a few sites now. Opening the document and looking in the Laserfiche ribbon give you the option to check this back in, but there is no way to do this server side.


Upgrading LF11 to:-

LF.exe - 11.0.2305.274
Office Integration - 11.0.2405.628


Seems to have resolved the issue.........fingers crossed. 


Just interested to hear if you're seeing the same thing, or if not hope this helps when the time comes!





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replied on March 9, 2023

It's interesting that, if you look at the Red user, most of the sessions were created at about the same time. Do you think that they viewed that many different instances of a Form, or would it have been a single Form that somehow caused all of those sessions to be created?

If the user is opening the Forms in the same browser, the web client should be reusing an existing session. Sessions are identified by session cookies, and the main cause of cookies not behaving the way you would like is related to domains. I would make sure that Forms and web client are hosted on the same domain, all urls use the FQDN, and all pages are https.

From a troubleshooting perspective, if you have a har trace that shows the problem occurring, you would be looking to see if the session cookie used for web client is the same across Forms instances or not.

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replied on March 9, 2023

@████████, I noticed that as well. The sessions are created at the same time and it is from the user opening a single task once in the same browser.

The Forms servers and Web Client servers are definitely on the same domain. There are 3 web servers involved and each has Forms, Web Client, and WebLink installed. All are part of the same LB. As for the URLs, that's a little different. We use a vanity URL, which is different than our domain. The link inside of the iframe that displays the Web Client uses the same vanity URL. All are using https.

We have tried to recreate the issue, but each time we try the multiple sessions doesn't happen, so our attempts to create a HAR file have been useless. Go figure, right? I will say that we are seeing the same behavior in both our Canada and US environments (share the same LFDS instance) as well as in test.


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replied on March 9, 2023

I have been doing some testing tonight since it is about the only time others aren't in the system. I logged into the Web Client using an InPrivate browser window and checked the logs of the Web Client Server and I do not get the invalid session entries. I logged out of the Web Client and closed the browser window. I then opened a new InPrivate browser window and logged into Forms. After logging in I opened a Forms task that has an iFrame of the Web Client and then checked the Web Client Server logs. Sure enough, all 4 of the messages I posted above were present.

I thought that this problem might be related to some SSL errors I was seeing in the LFDS logs, but I checked those logs as I went through the steps I mentioned above and there were no new entries during that time.

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replied on March 10, 2023

@████████, it looks like you are on to something with your comment about the cookies. I decided to try creating the HAR file again last night. This time I started capturing the data after the new window opened for the task in Forms. I went to the Network tab and went down the Name list line by line until I got to the first Request URL that included /Laserfiche. In the Response Headers section next to set-cookies it says SameSite-None and then a warning symbol. When I hover over the warning symbol it says, "This Set-Cookie header has invalid syntax."

I then went to the Cookies tab and checked the option to "show filtered out request cookies". In the section that then showed I found the cookies where the Domain and Path referenced the vanity URL, LFDS Server name, /LFDSSTS, /LFDS, and /Forms.

When I hover over the information icons for the items in the Domain column this is what it shows:

And the Path column ones show:

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replied on March 10, 2023

That definitely doesn't look right. Is that problem somehow caused by the iframe embedding? Does it seem to operate correctly if you navigate directly to the web client?

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replied on March 9, 2023

On each of our web servers that has the Web Client installed I am seeing the following warnings and information messages in the Laserfiche\WebClient\Server\Operational logs:

I'm not sure what is causing each of the connections to be considered 'Invalid Connections'.

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replied on March 9, 2023

Found the following errors on the LFDS server:

Laserfiche\Directory Service\Server\Operational trace

Any idea what certificate it would be referring to?

Laserfiche\Directory Service\WebSTS\Operations

replied on March 11, 2023

I think this might extend beyond the Web Client. Checking in on things tonight I saw this in the Admin Console:

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replied on March 13, 2023

As an update, we do not have a resolution to this issue yet, but we do have an open support ticket with our Solution Provider and Laserfiche.

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replied on March 15, 2023

Laserfiche has confirmed this as a bug to be fixed with a high priority. No current ETA.

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replied on March 20, 2023 Show version history

It appears I am likely experiencing this behaviour at a customer as well with plain Web Client Sessions no embedding. The issue does not seem to be unique to iFrame. 

Interesting enough every WebLink 11 upgrade I have performed has this issue and there is a Hotfix I have been applying to address.

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replied on March 27, 2023 Show version history

I believe that is the same fix that support gave us and it did not fix the issue we are experiencing. 

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replied on March 28, 2023

I agree I am still getting users with numerous sessions being left open even after replacing WebStorage.dll. Seems to be intermittent / random where I will have a user with 10 or 15 sessions all with the same Inactive Duration. I have even enabled Session Time Outs in the Web Client and Repository but still occurring.


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replied on March 30, 2023

That looks exactly like what we are seeing. Have you opened a LF Support Case?

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replied on March 30, 2023

We have submitted a support case with screenshots, details, etc. Update 5 (msp) did not fix the issue and it's quite frustrating. I am wondering if this is a cookies issue...I will update when we hear back.  

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replied on March 31, 2023 Show version history


Yes I have a case open. I had previously closed after having been provided a Hotfix but have subsequently reopened.

One change in behaviour from 10 to 11 contributing to users opening more sessions is the the Search Tool Bar no longer remains open in the Search Results for reuse. Now users are aware to reuse the Left Panel. However does not explain the random nature of numerous sessions being opened at the same time as shown previously.


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replied on March 31, 2023

interesting catch about the toolbar. I did not notice that until you mentioned it. What version of Laserfiche Server do you have? Ours is

You can find it in on the Application Server in \Program Files\Laserfiche\Server

right click on lfs.exe->Properties->Details tab on File Version


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replied on March 31, 2023 Show version history

It's easier if you open the Admin Console and select the Server node. It will tell you the version there. Also, the Laserfiche Server version would not have an effect on if you see the search bar or not, that would be the version of the Laserfiche Web Client.

2 0
replied on March 31, 2023

Laserfiche Support got back to me instructing me to upgrade the Server module as well. I only updated the Web Client to fix an issue we had with hyperlinks, and applied that Web Client 5 hotfix also.

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replied on March 31, 2023 Show version history

I am on Laserfiche Server and Web Client 11.0.2302.22. The fact that you are seeing the issue being on an older version of the Laserfiche Server and the newest version of the Web Client makes it look like the Web Client is the culprit.

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replied on April 3, 2023

Update: I reinstalled Web Client updates, updated Laserfiche Server, same problem. This is awful, our users are being locked out immediately

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replied on April 3, 2023

We have downgraded one of our Laserfiche Web Client servers to version 11.0.2109.7 and so far it seems to be behaving correctly. If we are not seeing the multiple sessions issue we will downgrade our other servers as well until Laserfiche releases a fix.

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replied on April 3, 2023

For everybody else reading this thread, if you haven't already, please make sure you or your reseller open a case with Laserfiche Support so we can track and narrow down the issue.

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replied on April 3, 2023

Downgrading has resolved the issue. We have downgraded our other Web Client servers now as well.

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replied on April 3, 2023

Interesting. Did you downgrade Laserfiche Server and Web Client or only Web Client and which version did you downgrade to? Our only reason to upgrade was because our hyperlinks in Web Client that were sent to users did not work.

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replied on April 3, 2023

We only downgraded the Web Client to 11.0.2109.7.

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replied on April 3, 2023

We only downgraded the Web Client to 11.0.2109.7 (update 3 I believe). I left the LF Server at the latest release. 

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replied on April 10, 2023

Any update from Laserfiche on this? This is a major bug, things like this need to be posted or the media updated with rolled back versions. 

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replied on April 10, 2023 Show version history

Laserfiche Support sent us a possible fix, but we have been unable to test it since we rolled our production environment back to the previous version and have not been able to replicate the issue in our test environment.

We currently aren't willing to upgrade production again because of Fiscal Year end and the processes that run through Laserfiche have a big impact on it.

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replied on April 10, 2023

I wonder what the trigger is in prod. I'll let you know what the hotfix looks like for us. Somewhat frustrating that freshly downloaded media last week still has this bug present. 

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replied on April 11, 2023

We aren't willing to upgrade production due to the instability of Laserfiche since upgrading to V11.  Our hyperlinks stopped working with the Web Client and that was the reason for the Web Client update alone. Unfortunately, this problem is much worse so we've downgraded to re-introduce the original hyperlink issue. I hope they are able to resolve this and soon.

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replied on April 11, 2023

For what it's worth, it appears as if the patch has resolved our outstanding issue. 

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replied on April 11, 2023

Awesome. If you email hyperlinks to Laserfiche documents and a user clicks on them, are they working?

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replied on April 12, 2023

Angelo, we will be upgrading one of our Web Client servers tonight and applying the fix supplied through our LF Support Case. We have run into the same issue with a hyperlink on one of our forms that we need to get fixed. I should be able to report in the morning if the supplied fix has resolved the multiple sessions issue and if the link is working correctly.

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replied on April 12, 2023

Hyper links to documents are working on our system.

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replied on April 12, 2023

Awesome. Thanks for your feedback Blake and Jeremy! I look forward to hearing if Blake's Web Client links work AND sessions are not randomly being generated.

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replied on April 14, 2023

The fix we were supplied with did not resolve the multiple sessions issue for our system. We were given 4 files to replace, including the file from Forms 11 Update 5. We have downgraded again to the previous version.

It did fix the link issue, but that is not a big enough issue for us compared to the multiple sessions.

1 0
replied on April 18, 2023


I'm running into this, too. We only have one environment on the latest and greated and are just rolling out live now. Looks like I'll be downgrading Web Access for a little while.

I'll get a case open, too.

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replied on April 18, 2023

This is quite the issue. We had so many users unable to login due to number of sessions.  At this point, we are sitting on this version until they can verify that it's no longer occuring.  I hope Blake gets the issue resolved in the environment as well. 

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replied on April 18, 2023

We won't be able to continue troubleshooting again for at least another month. 

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replied on April 20, 2023

Just to update on ours, the first hot fix seemed to correct the issue for about a week before it started occurring again. Support had a 2nd hot fix with 4 files that Blake mentioned and we appear resolved. We did not upgrade Forms so did not replace anything there. 

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replied on April 21, 2023

Looks like they put out a hotfix for this today. I won't have time to test till next week, but hopefully it does the trick:

List of Changes for Laserfiche Web Client 11 Update 6. - Knowledge Base

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replied on April 21, 2023

Those are the files they had us try that did not work, but I hope it resolves your issue. I am curious why an svg file was included in the fix though.

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replied on April 21, 2023

Minor changes to the installer required that we included it or the patch wouldn't install. We'll update the KB to mention it.

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replied on May 29, 2023

Can anybody provide feedback if this issue has been completely resolved with these updates?

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replied on June 6, 2023

What KB? What patch?

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replied on September 22, 2023

We just upgraded to Web Client 11 Update 7 and end users are not receiving the too many connections error anymore. We are still seeing a lot of connections per user in the Admin Console though. Is that to be expected now? Most are around 11 connections and we've seen them as high as 24.

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