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Number of decimals in currency type field

asked on February 1, 2023 Show version history



We are using a currency type field with the format "USD - US Dollar (S)". By default the value in terms of decimals is 2 digits, the client requires that they be up to 6.

Is there any way to modify that value of the field that comes by default?



We are using Forms version 11.0.0.

Searching a little in answers I have found several threads, but without success so far.

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replied on February 1, 2023

The selected answer on the post you linked is from a Laserfiche employee who is confirming since version 10.2, it isn’t possible to modify the number of decimals as it is fixed by currency format and validated on the back-end.

You might want to switch to a regular number format, which allows you to dictate the number of digits after the decimal.

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replied on February 1, 2023

My recommendation is to never use a currency field. It often times just results in technical debt that would have been fixed by using a number field to begin with.

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