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Questions regarding WebDAV configuration

asked on January 26, 2023

Hey everyone,


I have a couple of questions regarding configuring our repository to use WebDAV:


  1. Will the files in the mapped network drive be named as they are in the repository, or will they display those indecipherable file names found in the volume folders?
  2. Does WebDAV Redirector support Windows Server 2019? The newest I saw in the support articles was Windows Server 2012; however, that version will soon be at the end of its life.


Any feedback is greatly appreciated; thank you!

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replied on January 27, 2023

The view presented by WebDAV is very similar to what you would see if you used one of the Laserfiche clients. You see the repository, not the volumes.

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replied on January 27, 2023

Hey Brian,


I appreciate the response. Do you know if WebDAV redirector supports Windows Server 2019? I just wanted to confirm before involving our Infrastructure team in configuring WebDAV.


Thank you!

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replied on January 27, 2023

I don't have an answer for that, but I will say that the documentation should reflect what we have most recently tested against. So even if you get it installed, you'll want to test it before going live. The feature does rely on components provided by Microsoft, and unfortunately it appears that they are moving away from it.

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replied on February 1, 2023

Hey Brian,


I appreciate the response. I don't believe our Infrastructure team will allow us to install something on the server without verifying that it will work first. Please let me know if it is ever tested against Windows Server 2019.


Thank you,

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