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Displaying "Choices" instead of Value for Dropdowns with users

asked on January 12, 2023

I have several processes in Forms where the compliance team needs to pick a specific user to assign a subsequent task.  I've created drop down fields in the initial form that includes the associate names as the choices and their username as the values. 

This works great on the first form.  However, subsequent forms in the process and all email notifications using the associate field value are showing the username instead of the associate's name.  Any suggestions on how to display the "choices" instead of the username "values"? 


Here's an example: 

Field Setting


Email service task setting:


Actual email:

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replied on January 12, 2023

A variable can only hold a single value and if using alternative values, it will always be the alternative.

Simple workaround it to have 2 fields (therefore 2 variables), both with the same list of primary values, one hidden with the list of alternate values. Then us a calculation to make the hidden one equal to the one the user selects from.

Now you can reference the variable depending on the value you want.

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