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Kodak Scanner i4850 Compatible with Laserfiche

asked on December 8, 2022


I would like to ask if any SP or any customer has experience with using Kodak i4850 scanner with ScanConnect.

Our client is looking for upgrading their existing scanner to a new scanner Kodak i4850. Below is the specification of Kodak i4850 scanner.

As far as I know, Kodak i4850 has the option to integrate with ISIS driver so it should work well with Laserfiche ScanConnect. Kindly appreciate if anyone can confirm me with it and share some experience with me if you have used Kodak i4850 or any newer Kodak scanner. Thank you!

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replied on December 12, 2022

Hi Karl,

The specifications section of the page you linked indicates the following:

Standard Software And Drivers

  • KOFAX certified
  • ISIS Drivers
  • LINUX (TWAIN and SANE) Drivers
  • TWAIN Drivers
  • WIA Drivers

All Laserfiche scanning products natively support standard TWAIN drivers (except ScanConnect, which is just our ISIS driver package). The Kodak i4850 should work fine with Laserfiche using TWAIN.

Unless a customer needs a specific capability only provided by ISIS drivers, we strongly recommend using TWAIN drivers with Laserfiche because our support case data shows they are significantly more reliable and less fiddly. I wouldn't use ScanConnect/ISIS drivers unless that's your only viable option. I don't want to give the impression that ScanConnect/ISIS is bad, only that all else equal, the TWAIN option is better and you shouldn't use ISIS support as a decision criteria by itself.

If you do have to use ScanConnect/ISIS, while I don't see that specific model on the Laserfiche ScanConnect 8.3 Supported Scanners list, many other Kodak models are. The list hasn't been updated in almost three years and should be interpreted as "what we had the opportunity to test with" rather than "only scanners on this list work". The more up to date Supported Scanners list shows that we certified the Kodak i4600 with ScanConnect back in 2010. I'm guessing that's a predecessor in the same hardware family that plausibly shares a driver lineage with the i4850.

Hope that helps!

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replied on December 12, 2022

Thank you for the detailed feedback. This is very helpful in our case. 

The reason why they use ScanConnect/ISIS driver is because they have get used to it and are reluctant to change since it has been working as always. I will review their solution design to see if it is possible to change to TWAIN so that it is more stable on Laserfiche side. If eventually TWAIN is not a viable option in their case, I will let them know we have certified Kodak i4600 which is the same hardware family that is likely to share the same driver lineage with Kodak i4850. And we will also request a test unit from Kodak to run through integration test with their solutions.

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replied on December 13, 2022 Show version history

If they're reluctant to change because they're used to the ScanConnect/ISIS driver and it's been working fine, I don't see any issue testing it out with the i4850 and using it if you don't encounter any issues. I'd just also test with TWAIN so you can have that as a validated backup option if you do encounter any issues with the ScanConnect/ISIS driver.

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