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Connector and Edge

asked on December 1, 2022

I have had nothing but trouble trying to use Edge in combination with connector. I cannot get the UI automation to find controls to select fields properly and definitely the Javascript to find controls does not work at all. even the OCR does not work as it selects different screens at random. Is there any resolution to make connector with Edge? 

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replied on December 1, 2022

After much exploring the Edge Flags, was able to at least get the UI and OCR to work. Still hoping that at some point, the Javascript feature is fixed.

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replied on December 1, 2022

We've been using Connector with Edge for a long time now and only had one issue several months ago when MS released an update that made Connector temporarily unable to recognize URLs.

Have you done the necessary configurations?

Both Chrome and Edge require special settings for some options to work; it's also worth noting that JavaScript requires remote debugging which cannot be used in combination with IE Mode.

Configuring the Third-party Application (

Also depends on which version of Connector you are running. Prior to version 11 Chrome and Edge both required additional configuration to work with UI Automation.

List of Changes for Connector 11 - Knowledge Base (

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replied on December 1, 2022

I am using Connector 11 update 1 and Edge Version 107.0.1418.62. 

I have configured both edge and Chrome for remote debugging and Chrome works perfectly fine. I have not changed the connector debug listener port (9322). also have the IE mode option turned to off on Edge but no cigar...

It did work on the original Edge version but then after version 101 it stopped. The release page for connector 11 states:

  • Controls cannot be selected on web pages opened in Microsoft Edge if JavaScript was used to analyze the page. Use UI automation or OCR to analyze the page instead. (129428)



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replied on December 1, 2022

After much exploring the Edge Flags, was able to at least get the UI and OCR to work. Still hoping that at some point, the Javascript feature is fixed.

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replied on December 1, 2022

The challenge is that Microsoft keeps changing things, so it could be a bug/issue in the browser itself. This is one of the reasons we do controlled deployment of browser updates; for the ability to roll back, pause, etc. when issues arise.

The issue I mentioned before about the URL not being recognized was eventually resolved by an update to Edge, so one thing you might do is test previous versions of the browser to see if you get the same results.

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replied on May 16, 2023

Anyone have any better luck with this. Edge is so unpredictable now with UI automation it really doesn't work at all. Chrome has been fine all along. I'd prefer to promote edge overall for various other reasons, but it's very hard to keep everything working for everyone.

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