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Scanning Issue with Win 11, TWAIN and Fujitsu fi-7480

posted on November 23, 2022

A cautionary tale:

We have a client that uses a Fujitsu fi-7480 for scanning with Scan Connect and TWAIN.  They upgraded to Win 11 recently.  Sometime after the Win 11 upgrade - that is, not immediately - the TWAIN driver became nonresponsive.


We reinstalled the Win 11 Fujitsu drivers, but somehow the combination of Twain + Win 11 + that scanner does not work.


We had the same issue with both the regular Win client scanning and also with a separate PDF Maker program with its own scanning function.


The issue with the Laserfiche Windows client (10.2) was that the scan window would never load.  The scanning default was Twain, but it would never get past the Twain scanner set up dialog box. It would just sit there frozen.

This means we could not get to the Scan Source Window to switch to Scan Connect via the GUI.

(Note: it would be nice if you could select Scan Source from the Win client separately, the way you can with Quick Fields.)

The remedy was to remove the Scanner settings value in the user's attribute. Then the Scanner Source dialog appeared when we hit Scanning, defaulting to Universal Capture. We were able to select Scan Connect and that worked without issue for the client.

We did not try WIA, as that would have been the only other option.

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replied on January 7

Update - This issue was recognized and addressed by Microsoft with a subsequent update.  However in at least one case we are still having trouble with the Twain drivers with this same scanner.  Example, the folder \Pixtrans is NOT being created under \Windows even after uninstalling and reinstalling Paper

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replied on November 28, 2022

Thank you for the warning, Bill!

This page from Fujitsu's website may be relevant as well:

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