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Template field length and size of user input box

asked on November 17, 2022 Show version history


Is there documentation anywhere that details what size text box a user sees in the Windows client/web client based on what the field length is set to? For example, here's a screenshot of a text field with a 75 character limit:

If I shrink that to a certain length, say the default of 40, it goes back to being 1 line in height. Is this behavior laid out somewhere? Is it something I can change for specific users with an attribute?

As a follow up, is there a way to search on this field based on length? For example, a search that only returns documents that have a string longer than 50 characters for this field?


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replied on November 17, 2022 Show version history

To your second question, there is no "length" search type for text fields. 

The only thing I can think of is this abomination:

{[]:[Invoice Number]=“???????????????????????????????????????????????????*”}

Or if the field is Indexed:

{[]:[Invoice Number]~=“???????????????????????????????????????????????????*”}

That's the advanced search syntax for a field search with 51 question mark (?) wildcards, which represent exactly one character, followed by a single asterisk (*) wildcard, which represents any number of missing character or no missing characters. It should return anything with at least 51 characters.

This search would be a strong contender for worst performing search ever and will disproportionately consume resources that could impact other users. If at all possible, add additional search criteria (such as Template, Within Folder, etc.) to reduce the search space and lessen the impact. You should not let end users run this as part of any normal business operations. It could be reasonable for an admin to run as a one-off search during off-hours to get a list/count of entries with a field value meeting the length criteria.

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replied on November 17, 2022

I'll give that search a shot after business hours with additional parameters. If I turn on LFSO tracing and send you guys the trace logs, can I get the inaugural "Worst Search of All-Time" award at Empower next year?

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replied on November 17, 2022

I would certainly submit it for consideration if you include the SQL Server Profiler log for the query as well =D

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replied on November 17, 2022

Before we hand you that award, though...why do you need to search for values over 50 chars?

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replied on November 17, 2022

I used it to see how long the data actually was for this field. There was 1 document that had an invoice number longer than 40 characters, and it was data that wasn't actually an invoice number. So I corrected that field, brought the field length back down to 40, and now the input box appears as a single line like the customer wanted.

Backed everything up prior to doing any of this, of course.

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replied on November 18, 2022

Direct SQL might be the faster way to go there:

select count(*) from propval
where prop_id in 
(select prop_id from propdef where prop_name = 'message')
and LEN(str_val) >=50

Or replace "count(*)" with "tocid" to get a list of entry IDs.

3 0
replied on January 24

Hi Jacob,

Did you ever figure out a way to configure the box, either universally or with a user attribute, to be smaller if the characters are over 40 in length? The box growing from 1 line to 4 lines with anything over 40 cause a lot of unnecessary loss in screen real estate and I'd love to shrink that down.


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