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Cloud Forms - How do I link someone to a form in development for review

asked on October 17, 2022 Show version history

If I am developing a form for someone and I want to send them a link to the form for review but I don't want the entire corporation seeing the form. Is there any way I can create a link that only they can see without it showing up under everyone's start process?

Can I assign only a certain person access to it before publishing? Can I send them the preview link from the designer?

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replied on October 18, 2022

For published and enabled process, you can allow specific users to see it from their start process list using the starting form privacy.

If the other user doesn't have the proper access rights to design a process, he will not be able to access the preview link of the form.

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replied on October 18, 2022

Oh that is what I was looking for, it was not showing for me but it turns out it is hidden if the privacy is set to Public. So I can switch it back to Private while it is in development.



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