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Do Aspire courses taken individually (or part of a different certification) count towards Gold/Platinum Certification?

asked on October 4, 2022


The title basically says it all. I'm two Gold and one Platinum course away from being certified. Many of my completed courses were from the Business Process designer path, with the others being taken individually. If I take the remaining three course on their own, will I earn the Platinum Certification? If not, what would be the most efficient way for me to do so?  

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replied on October 4, 2022

Hi Robert,

Firstly, congrats on your progress towards getting Certified! To answer your question, Aspire should recognize that you've completed the individual course requirements for Gold and Platinum, and grant you a Certificate and badge within 24 hours of completing the additional courses that are needed for Gold/Platinum (even if you're not technically enrolled in Gold/Platinum on your transcript).

If for some reason, you don't see the Gold/Platinum Certificate and badge come through within 24 hours of completing the respective courses, please email us at and we will look into your account/transcript to ensure you are recognized for completing Gold/Platinum and that the system generates your Certificate and badge. 

I'd also like to highlight our new approach to releasing eLearning content and bundling for new Certification Series, which is to release the individual modules (what were previously 'lessons') as soon as they're available, for free. The once all of the content within a respective curriculum/topic/Certification are released, they'll be bundled into an official Certification Series with an introduction and assessment. If you completed any of the individual modules when they were released, they will be marked complete within the curriculum and you should be prepared to take the Certification Assessment, which is the only cost-associated item. 

If you have any other questions, thoughts, or feedback on the content in Aspire or your experience with the system feel free to share them here or email us at

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replied on October 5, 2022

Thanks Valen, I'll get the gears in motion to get registered for those last few courses!

I had heard of the changes regarding releasing modules for free, but wasn't sure if it had been implemented yet. If I wanted to view the modules in, for example Getting Started with Process Automation in Laserfiche Cloud, without registering/paying/testing/getting credit, where would I be able to search/find these in Aspire?   

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replied on October 6, 2022

Great question! We made the change after we'd released Getting Started with Process Automation in Laserfiche Cloud and Working with Forms 11, but we will be updating those Certification Series in the near future to follow our new approach so all Cloud and V11 content is available as free standalone modules, as well as bundled into Certification curricula with the cost-associated assessment. 

New Certification Series that currently follow this new approach include: 


We post new courses and series in this Aspire and Laserfiche Certification group - so stay tuned for new content coming soon!

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replied on October 6, 2022

Got it, that makes sense. Thanks for your help & the clarification!

For any future readers reference, it looks like they are tagged with 'Product Course' and are listed here:  

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