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Data Maintenance Page not loading

asked on September 20, 2022 Show version history

Hi All,


Anyone came across this error when opening "Data Maintenance" option in Forms version 11.0.2201.20436.

All other options are opening with no error.


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replied on September 21, 2022

What version of SQL are you using?

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replied on September 25, 2022

Thanks Miruna for your response. 

Client is using SQL Server Version 2016. I'll check the compatibility level and update the post.

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replied on October 30, 2024

Hello everyone,

I have exactly the same error ([LFF502-UnexpectedError]) when I try to access the “Data Maintenance” page.

In my case, on MSSQL, the compatibility level of the LF_Forms database was at level 100.

Here's the SQL code to display the levels of all your databases.

SELECT name AS DatabaseName, compatibility_level 
FROM sys.databases;


After setting it to level 120, everything went back to normal.

Here's the SQL code to change the level. (remember to indicate the name of your database)



I hope I've provided you with some additional information.

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