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Start business process button not working in Web Client

asked on September 20, 2022

Hello, I have a BP setup to run on document inside a folder. I have been trying to get all my users onto Web Access and something that came up today was me walking them through how to start a BP on a document. I instructed them to open the document, click the process tab and hit the "Start Business Process" button. This button is greyed out. 

However, if they select the document checkbox, then right click, go down to Start Business process, then show all business process, the BP I'm looking for is there and available. 

Then if you go back to the document, it will show the BP details in the Process tab like normal. 

Something else that they can do is again from the folder, select the document checkbox, then click the processes tab, and the "Start Business Process" button is available. 

I'm on:

Laserfiche Web Client

11 (11.0.2109.7)

Laserfiche Repository Access


Any idea why from inside the document I cannot start a business process? 


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replied on September 20, 2022

To summarize, it sounds like the "Start Business Process" button is clickable from the folder browser, but in the document viewer it is always disabled? The two buttons are intended to function the same, which is that the button should be enabled if the user is logged in as a full user (i.e. not a read-only user) and the entry is not read-only. In the document viewer, will it let the same users modify metadata, or is that blocked also? Do all users experience this same behavior, or can some launch the process from the document viewer?

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replied on September 21, 2022

Hello @████████

Looks like you are on to something. These documents I'm working with are technically in a read-only state. The users are Full Users but where these documents reside is in a folder that the users only have read access to. I check on some other repository's with similar situations and found this to be true there as well.

One of my BP is an "Un-File" process. When I have a user file a document away, WF verifies a bunch of data on the document and places the document in a archive type folder. I restrict metadata changes because at that point, all the data has been validated. Since the documents are read-only for these users, the only way for someone to fix a mistake, (like the data was valid but they selected the wrong doc type or something) is to let them run a BP that ensures the document can be moved (again, data validation) back to a folder that my user has the ability to edit documents. 

Hopefully that makes sense. But at this point, my question is why does the document need to be editable for the BP to be run in the document viewer when it can be run from the folder view without the same restriction? 


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