We have a form that most fields are label-top, which is fine, but we need labels to be on the left just for a few. I tried some examples from earlier posts I found here, they didn't work.
Then I found few examples on the internet for the "responsive" design but none worked, see below;
First approach was "to target the input element directly"
$(".phone").find("input").inputmask("(999) 999-9999");
Second was called "Event delegation"
$(document).on("focus", ".phone input", function() {
$(this).inputmask("(999) 999-9999");
The third is called "data attribute"
$(document).ready(function() {
$("[data-mask]").each(function() {
I don't have coding experience but I know that what I'm asking here is an elementary level request because we use these in our Form 10 and they are working perfectly.
We switched to forms 11, expected that things will be easier with "responsive" design form; however, we are having difficulties to get these simples codes working, backward compatibility doesn't function.
Can someone help with a working codes. I need the same reformatting for social sec numbers.