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Workflow - to find files in repository based on value found in the workflow.

posted on August 26, 2022

Hi Everyone,

I am fairly new to creating workflows and I am finding few difficulties when I am creating this new workflow. My goal for the workflow is to search the respository using the field value found by the workflow. 

First, the workflow starts by finding the files in a folder( location provided in input),

Then it captures (using capture profile) the field value from the files and then use this field value to find similar files in the repository. 

Here similar files are files which are named using this field value and they are already present in the repository. 

The work flow I created is finding the original file in the location provided in the input, its not searcing in the entire repository for files having similar field value in their file name. 

I have attached my workflow diagram, kindly let me know where I am going wrong.

Please and thank you.

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replied on August 29, 2022

What is the scenario you are trying to implement. Is there a reason why you're using Find Entries instead of starting the workflow whenever one of these documents is created in the repository?

Batching together unrelated work like this tends to be more inefficient.

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replied on August 29, 2022

Hi Miruna ,

Thank you replying, Let me explain the situation.

Process : Client of mine is sending files to be engineeried. These files are named randomly and these files are uplaoded using forms.

Purpose : what I want the workflow to achieve is find these these files from the forms saved in temp location, find a value from the file using capture profile and use that value to find files in our repository which contain that value in their filename.

For instance : lets say client sent a file  named "A" which has value AX in the file.

the workflow/capture profile finds AX in the file and then the workflow should use AX and find files in the repository which have AX in their file names. 

Kindly advise if this is can be done. 

Thank you

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replied on August 29, 2022

Right, so you don't need to find the documents, Workflow gets notified whenever new documents are created in the repository or when existing documents are modified. So you can use a starting event to trigger this workflow whenever a document meets certain criteria.

As for moving files, does your repository have a well-known folder structure? In other words, do you need to search or are these documents expected to all end up in the same folder? Something like \Customers\CustomerName\ProjectName where that information is available on the document itself?

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replied on August 29, 2022

We do have organised folder structure, for instance the files am looking for are in their project folders. Inside their project folder, they might either be in PO folder or their request folder. But I need the workflow to search the repository using the value it retrieves from capture profile. that value is not a metadata, So is it possible to find files whose name has that value in it.

Kindly advise.

Thank you

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replied on August 29, 2022

It appears you are trying to use Capture Profiles to see what files were uploaded from the form so you can move them.

When I was to use the Save to Repository as you mentioned, When saving the Attachments, I add a Metadata field called InstanceID which I populate with the Instance ID variable from the Forms process.

Then when the forms kicks off the Workflow, I get the Forms BPInstanceID from the Input Parameters that are available when you turn on the started by Laserfiche Forms Property, and use that Variable to perform a Search in the Repository to find those documents, this way it doesn't matter what they are named or where they are saved as I can find them anywhere's. 

As this is kicked off from the Forms process, I use the information from the Form as to how to identify the destination and then move the files to that destination.

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replied on August 29, 2022

My workflow is running on the files attached with the form and the capture profile is capturing a unique value from the files attached, not on the form submitted. Let me give an example of how I need my outputs: 

My workflow does two important things.

  1. it finds a unique value from the file submitted. ex: 322310-345886 ( Its find this by capture profile)
  2. using this value 322310-345886 it searches the repository to find any file which has this value in their file name . for example : 47718-FER322310-345886 or 47718-FE-322310-345886

Here I am not sure how the instance ID would work. This value 22310-345886 is not a metadata on any of the files. Its a number in their filename along with other numbers.

When I search manually in the repository with this number 322310-345886, it show me the exact 2 files which am looking for which is 

  1. 47718-FER322310-345886
  2. 47718-FE-322310-345886


I want the workflow to do exactly this.

Kindly advise, Thank you so muchsmiley​​​​​​​

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replied on August 29, 2022

What happens after you find the 2 entries? You have the one doc you processed through capture profiles and searched for " 322310-345886 " and it returned 2 other documents in, potentially,  2 separate folders. What is Move Entry expected to do?

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replied on August 30, 2022

The move entry creates a shortcut of those two files found and then it sends those on a task form to the next department to process it. The move entry does not move files rather it creates a shortcut. 

Thank you.

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replied on August 30, 2022

Because the Search Activity in Workflow cannot search by Filename or use Contains, there is not going to be a straight forward way to use Search to find your files.

Option 1. When the files are saved to the repository, create a metadata field called Filename and assign the files Filename to that field. Then you should be able to perform the search against the field and by adding * (wildcard) before and after the token it should. For example purposes I used a Comments metadata field here as I didn;t have a Fielname metadata field


Option 2. You could try something like, where if you know the Folder that contains the files, either by Search or by knowing the path, you would then need to Find Entries in that Folder and check each one looking for the filename to contain the Capture Profile Token value as conditions can use contains

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replied on August 30, 2022

Thank you Steve, the second option works because I know where the folder is in repository that contains the files am looking for. This solves it.

However I came across another issue with capture Profiles, when multiple files are provided as input , the capture profile in the workflow does not provide accurate values , however when I test the file individually in Capture Profile, I get accurate values. Have you come across such situation? Kindly assist.


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replied on August 31, 2022

I have a case open with LF now regarding some irregularities with Capture Profile Groups that they are investigating.

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replied on August 31, 2022

so this case when its resolves, should fix my queries as well! Do you know when it might be fixed? Thank you

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replied on August 31, 2022

I'll update you here once I am aware of a remedy

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replied on September 1, 2022

Thank you

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replied on September 7, 2022 Show version history

Hi Pallavi, LF rolled out an update to LF Cloud Capture profiles last night to address the issue I had reported. I have not tested my process yet, but an hopeful.

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replied on September 7, 2022

Hi Steve,

Thanks for the update, I will test my workflow and let u know if the issue still persists. 

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replied on August 29, 2022

Hi Steve,

Thank you for replying back.

When multilple files are provided in Input, the retrieve field value would have multiple values and hence I have used the for "for each value loop". Since am still creating the workflow, I have removed the "for loop" and tried and still I receive the same output,, its not finding the files in the repository, its still taking the file which I provided in input. 

And for the capture profile, I tried first with the capture profile group but capture profile was not giving me accurate values, hence I tried with this step.

May I know how I should create a workflow, where the workflow will first find a field value and then using this field value it has to search a file in repository whose filename has this field value. 

Kindly advise.

Thank you. 


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replied on August 29, 2022

The way I do this, is I go to the Repository and create my search there until I get the results I want, and then I copy the Search Syntax and paste it into the Search in Workflow, using the Variable where my values were.

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replied on August 29, 2022
  1. I have copied the search Syntax but I am not sure where I would add in my workflow
  2. Can you please confirm if the activities in workflow are accurate. After retrieve field values, I have used search repository activity.

Kindly advise, thank you.

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replied on August 29, 2022

Sorry, I overlooked that you were using LF Cloud. The search conditions in Cloud do not allow you to Search by FileName. Is it possible to find the documents based on any Metadata associated to the files?

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replied on August 29, 2022

Yes , we have templates assigned to our files, I have added that in the condition, however the workflow still finds the file I have provided in Input. I want to know if the workflow is using the value provided by the capture profile to search the repository? If I search manually in the repository with this value, I find the exact file am looking for.

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replied on August 29, 2022

Hi Pallavi, just an FYI, if you create a Capture Profile Group, and add the two Profiles you have to it (New and Old), when you run the capture profiles activity (using groups), the profile will determine which profile to use to extract the data based on matching to the document possible saving you some of the conditions you have build out.

In regards to your search, when you Retrieve Field Values, is the field a Multi-Value Tpken, if not, you would not need the For Each Value, but would just use the Retrieve Field Value Field in your Search


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