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Email Archive Configuration Issue

asked on August 10, 2022

Hello all,


I am trying to setup the Laserfiche Email Archive Configuration and think I am very close to getting it working. I am able to validate the connection to the email server as follows:

But after the profile is created and I set it to run every minute, I get errors in the Event Viewer


So not sure why testing the connection works, but when the profile actually runs, it says:

Error occurred when request server in profile...
Message: xm001 NO LOGIN failed.
StackTrace:    at S22.Imap.ImapClient.Login(String username, String password, AuthMethod method)
   at Laserfiche.EmailArchive.ImapClientFactory.Create(String hostname, Int32 port, String user, String password, Boolean useSSL, String authType, String clientId, String clientSecret, String tenantId)
   at Laserfiche.EmailArchive.ImapEmailSourceProvider.WorkerThreadRun()


Thanks for any help in advanced.

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replied on August 10, 2022

Hi Cuong,


Could you try to lower down the frequency of running the profile to see if emails are imported? Probably your email server has limitation on the connections

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replied on August 11, 2022

What type of mail server you using?

Create a subfolder of inbox called "mylaserfiche"

Mbox a popular with open source uses Folders separated by "."  a dot eg.  inbox.mylaserfiche

compare with

Maildir format is folders separated by "/" eg  inbox/mylaserfiche


Laserfiche Archive handles Maildir format


I wrote a paper on the topic read the attached paper. Please read it and comment. I hope its works.





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