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Feature Request: Dark Mode

posted on July 27, 2022 Show version history

In recent years more programs have added a Dark Mode/Theme and I've found it to be much easier on the eyes for those of us who spend a lot of time staring at a user interface.

I've been using dark mode for Outlook, Visual Studio, etc., for years now and I've definitely noticed a difference.

After working in VS or something else with a dark theme background, switching over to the Workflow Designer or desktop client is a bit like flipping on the lights in the middle of the night and when I have to spend a lot of time in there working on something it would be nice to have a display option that's a bit easier on the eyes.

I'm sure it would take quite a bit of effort to go through and set up all the necessary styles for a dark theme option, but I for one would be extremely happy/grateful to have that option, especially in Workflow Designer.

EDIT: I see from the Related Post section that this has been mentioned before for various things like the client and Forms too.

8 0
replied on March 16, 2023

We also have this request for the Web Client and Forms. Is this an option users can turn on in the Web Client and Forms? If not, we would like to make the feature request. Thank you.

3 0
replied on July 27, 2022

The Designer has an option to follow your Windows theme under Options\General. It's off by default.

0 0
replied on July 27, 2022

Hi Miruna,

Thanks for the info, I wasn't aware of that setting. I just tried it out and it does affect the look of the panes and the overall color scheme, but it doesn't seem to change the main window.

The actual workflow design window is still all white and I was hoping for something more like the dark background/light text combo you get with the Windows menus and other things like Visual Studio.

0 0
replied on July 27, 2022

Ugh, Windows keeps burying those settings in more layers of UI and hiding the actual values. It's supposed to flip everything when you change to what used to be "high contrast" black or similar Windows theme.

I'll take a look at how newer versions of Windows broke that. Is that screenshot from Windows 10 or 11?

1 0
replied on July 27, 2022

That makes a lot of sense considering how often Microsoft does stuff like that lol.

That screenshot is from Windows 10, so I'm not sure how it looks in 11.

0 0
replied on July 28, 2022 Show version history

It does look like it works (for the most part) with the High Contrast turned on

1 0
replied on February 2, 2023 Show version history

Hi Miruna,

Sorry to dig this post up but I am trying to enable a dark mode for Workflow Designer. Just like @████████  using the dark color theme does not make any changes to WD. So I'm using High Contrast Black theme settings and WD does get some changes done but it doesn't seem to turn fully black like @████████ 's screenshot. I am getting white widgets and text that has very low contrast.


Could this because of more Windows updates that Microsoft has pushed since this post was published? Or is there something on my end that could be configured?


Workflow Designer version


The OS of the machine being used is Windows Server 2016 Standard Version 1607



1 0
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