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Regex for String that ends with three possible variations

asked on June 23, 2022 Show version history

I've put together a regex that works in test environments (like, but when I try to use it in Laserfiche I get a completely different result.

I'm looking to identify schools, and the schools all end with "Elementary", "Middle", or "Secondary"

"[A-Za-z '-.]*[A-Za-z'-.]\s+([Ee]lementary|[Mm]iddle|[Ss]econdary)"


So, for example on regex101, that regex identifies the string "John Wayne Middle" perfectly.  However, in Laserfiche (when I use "Test the Pattern" or when I run a sample page through) it only resolves the word "Middle" from "John Wayne Middle".



Am I doing this wrong, doing this wrong in the world of Laserfiche, or is this just not how Laserfiche parses regex commands and I'm doomed to failure?

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replied on June 23, 2022 Show version history

The parenthesis are saying "return only what is in here" which is why you are only getting the word Middle when searching John Wayne Middle.

When I test on regex101 that's what I see there too:    See how Middle is flagged in green but the rest is not?

Perhaps try something like this:  

[A-Za-z '-.]*\s+[Ee]lementary|[A-Za-z '-.]*\s+[Mm]iddle|[A-Za-z '-.]*\s+[Ss]econdary

Which is saying:
[A-Za-z '-.]*\s+[Ee]lementary
[A-Za-z '-.]*\s+[Mm]iddle
[A-Za-z '-.]*\s+[Ss]econdary

And seems to be working in my testing in Workflow.

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replied on June 23, 2022

Ok, I think I have it.  Not exactly sure why I had to jump through the extra hoops, but:


[A-Za-z '-.]*[A-Za-z'-.]\s+(?:(?:[Ee]lementary|[Mm]iddle|[Ss]econdary)$)


If I read this correctly, I've put a Non-capturing group in a non-capturing group.  But I hadn't marked the end of the input before, so maybe that's it?

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replied on June 23, 2022 Show version history

Weird, your original regex works for me:

Edit: Oh, wait, you're saying you want to read the "John Wayne" part, aren't you? That's because of the parentheses. They mark what you want extracted from the input value.

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replied on June 23, 2022

@████████ they got the same result as you.  They want the whole school name.  The capture group in the original is only for the last word "Elementary", "Middle", or "Secondary".

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replied on June 23, 2022

Exactly, but the updated regex seems to work.


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replied on June 23, 2022

You only needed to turn the original capture group (parentheses) into a non-capturing group (question-colon parentheses).  I tested this and it works as desired. 

Why do you think you need nested non-capturing groups and the end-of-input anchor? In particular, having the end-of-input character could cause a match failure in some circumstances that you'd expect it to succeed (e.g., if there is any text after "Middle").

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