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Add Pages Dynamically

asked on June 17, 2022

Is it possible to add pages to a form dynamically? We would like to design a form that shows one page per account number that was submitted on the initial form, and show some fields associated with that account on the page, but we do not know how many accounts there will be ahead of time.

I know we can use a Collection, but with a Collection we cannot split things up into one Collection row per page as far as I am aware.

0 0


replied on June 17, 2022 Show version history

I have a way to do it on the classic designer with Javascript.

This is tested on Forms 11 Update 2.

On your form, enable pagination.  Make sure there is at least a first and last page.  Then add as many pages as you want in between those pages.  Here's an example with a maximum possible of 25.  You can name the pages whatever you want:

There needs to be a limit because you have to add a page for each possible record.  But all you are doing is adding the pages, you are not putting anything on the pages, so you can easily add quite a lot of them if needed.  Important: Make sure the number on line 64 of the Javascript below is matching the number of pages - because my example has 25 page, the line of Javascript says 25.  The line will help ensure rows are not added to the collection that don't have pages set-up for them.


On the First page (I named mine "Start"):

  • Add a number field.  I named mine "Number of Records".  Leave it Do not make it read-only.  Give it these two CSS Class Names:   javascriptReadOnly recordCount
  • Add your collection.  Give it the CSS Class Name of:   pagesCollection
  • Add as many fields as needed to your collection.  Give one of the fields (only one) the CSS Class Name of:   recordCounter


Add this CSS to your form: 

/*Hide the option to delete rows from the collection because the code
to move them to different pages isn't set-up to handle deletions*/
.cf-collection-delete { display: none!important; }

/*Hide the Collection Title*/
.pagesCollection h2, .cf-section-header { display: none!important; }

/*Hide the border at the bottom of each collection row, otherwise
they are left behind on the first page*/
hr.end_set { display: none!important; }


Add this Javascript to your form: 

$(document).ready(function () {
  //Make the javascriptReadOnly fieldsread-only - this has to be done 
  //via Javascript, otherwise the field values cannot be populated 
  //via Javascript.
  $('.javascriptReadOnly input').each(function() { 
    $(this).attr('readonly', 'true');
  $('.javascriptReadOnly select').each(function() { 
    $(this).attr('readonly', 'true');
  $('.javascriptReadOnly textarea').each(function() { 
    $(this).attr('readonly', 'true');
  //When the form first loads - hide all of the pages except 
  //the first and last ones.  They will be shown later as needed.
  //This mimics the way the items are hidden via the Field Rules.
  function HideAllPages() {
    //Version of the code for the active form:
    if($('.recordCount input').val() != undefined) {
      $('.cf-page:not(:first):not(:last)').each(function() {
        var pageID = $(this).attr('id');
        $('.cf-pagination-tabs li[page=' + pageID + ']').addClass('hidden').attr('aria-hidden', 'true');
        $('.cf-page[id=' + pageID + ']').addClass('hidden lf-container-hidden').attr('aria-hidden', 'true');
    //Version of the code for the read-only form:
    else {
      $('.cf-page-readonly:not(:first):not(:last)').each(function() {
        var pageID = $(this).attr('id');
        $('.cf-page-readonly[id=' + pageID + ']').addClass('hidden lf-container-hidden');
  //When the form first loads, and when new rows are added to the collection,
  //cycle through each row and move it to a new page and unhide that page.
  //Additionally, the count of records is updated.
  $('.pagesCollection .cf-collection-append').click(MoveCollectionToPage);
  function MoveCollectionToPage() {
    //Version of the code for the active form:
    if($('.recordCount input').val() != undefined) {
      $('.pagesCollection .rpx').each(function() {
        $('.cf-page.hidden:first').each(function() {
          var pageID = $(this).attr('id');
          $('.cf-pagination-tabs li[page=' + pageID + ']').removeClass('hidden').removeAttr('aria-hidden');
          $('.cf-page[id=' + pageID + ']').removeClass('hidden lf-container-hidden').removeAttr('aria-hidden');
          $('.pagesCollection .rpx:first').each(function() {
            $('.cf-page[id=' + pageID + '] .cf-pagination-btn').before($(this));
      var numberOfRecords = 0;
      $('.recordCounter').each(function() {
      $('.recordCount input').val(numberOfRecords);
      //Hide the option to add more records if the count is at least 25
      if(numberOfRecords >= 25) {
        $('.pagesCollection .cf-collection-append').hide();
    //Version of the code for the read-only form:
    else {
      $('.pagesCollection .rpx').each(function() {
        $('.cf-page-readonly.hidden:first').each(function() {
          var pageID = $(this).attr('id');
          $('.cf-page-readonly[id=' + pageID + ']').removeClass('hidden lf-container-hidden');
          $('.pagesCollection .rpx:first').each(function() {
            $('.cf-page-readonly[id=' + pageID + '] h2').after($(this));


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replied on June 21, 2022

Hi Matthew,

This worked great. Thank you for such a thorough and detailed response.

1 0
replied on June 21, 2022

Fantastic!  I'm glad it worked for you.

1 0


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