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Custom Error Messages and Read-Only Fields (Cloud Modern Forms)

asked on June 15, 2022


Posting this to see if there may be a way around the issue I am experiencing.

I have a Death Beneficiary section on my Form that is a Collection so they can add multiple Beneficiaries and the Share Percentages they will get.

Right outside of the Collection, we have a read-only field that displays the total percentage for each Beneficiary Type. The percentages MUST equal 100% before submitting.

I have an Answer limit set on the Total fields that have a minimum and maximum of 100 and then a Custom Error message to display if the value is not between this.

This works perfectly if the Field is not read-only as it appears the field being read-only is skipping the validation (which makes sense in other use cases).

Normally I would just use JavaScript to make the field read-only to get around this but unfortunately this process was built in the Cloud using the Modern Forms designer and I have had 0 luck getting any JavaScript to work in the Cloud.

Does anyone know of a way to get around this that would still allow the total field to be read-only?

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replied on June 21, 2022 Show version history

I am not able to reproduce the issue that the range validation is skipped for read-only field with Cloud. 

You can check whether use field rule to disable the field can do the trick. It is a replacement of using JavaScript to set field as read-only in new form designer.

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