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Posted to Laserfiche Cloud


Stamp disappears in the mail

asked on May 31, 2022

Hello friends ,
I have a problem 

I am building a workflow to add stamp to pdf documents , but when I send the document by mail the stamp disappears . The one who receives the mail with the pdf has no stamp .

I am trying to configure it to send the pdf file with the stamp but I can not get it .



WF.png (46.93 KB)
Stamp.png (153.22 KB)
NoStampEmail.png (244.36 KB)
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replied on May 31, 2022

Your PDF in Laserfiche also has generated TIF image pages.  The stamps are being applied to the TIF images and not to the PDF.  You need to email the Document images rather than the Electronic PDF.

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replied on June 1, 2022 Show version history

Thanks Bert ,
But where can I configure that option you mention to send by email the images instead of the pdf. 

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replied on June 1, 2022

In the Email activity, set the attachment to be the Find Entry Output Entry.  Then right click on the attachment and open its properties and make sure you are set to send a copy of the document, but uncheck to include electronic file.

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replied on June 1, 2022

Thanks again Berto ,
But I see you are using another version of LF and I am using LF cloud. 

I don't see those options.



LF_cloud.png (55.19 KB)
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replied on June 1, 2022

Laserfiche Cloud cannot currently send image pages as a PDF.

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