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Retention of completed, terminated and canceled Forms instances

asked on May 20, 2022

We're just starting to use Forms more and the number of completed, terminated and canceled instances are starting to accumulate in the system.  What are the best practices for managing these instances? How long do you retain them in the system? How do you manage deleting them? Will deleting them affect the reporting on the business process? 

I would appreciate knowing what processes other companies have in place to manage this aspect of Forms.

Thank you!

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replied on May 20, 2022

Personally, I delete Terminated instances after I have determined what went wrong and taken any steps I needed to manually clean-up records and/or restart instances.

In the case of Completed and Cancelled items, I just rely on the built-in Data Maintenance options to clean them up.  I have it set to remove instance data after 2 years (730 days) and instance statistics after 5 years (1825 days), I also have it removing uploaded files after 2 years (730 days).  Any items I want permanent record of have been sent to the Repository, so the Forms history is more for reporting and research, and in over 5 years of using Forms I haven't needed to researching anything older than 2 years, and rarely older than 1 year, so the 2 years of history seemed very safe.

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replied on May 20, 2022

Thank you. Good input!

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replied on May 20, 2022

I agree with Matthew. One other item to consider is the process itself. If your Forms process saves all its information to the repository, you may be able to be compliant with retention policies by just retaining the repository copy and be able to remove the data from Forms. We have several processes where that is the case.

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replied on May 24, 2022

Thank you!


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